- Concevoir la pièce à l’extérieurConception de perdrixUne arrière-cour est une extension de ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de votre maison. Habituellement, il est plus coloré, décontracté, amusant et les possibilités dépendent du terrain, de vos compétences en conception et de votre savoir-faire de bricolage. Vous pouvez toujours embaucher un paysagiste ou un architecte pour aider votre espace extérieur à réaliser son potentiel. Un professionnel qualifié peut vous guider dans le processus de définition d’un style, de décider qui utilisera la cour, de créer des zones d’activité, de choisir des matériaux et des plantes et de recommander des constructeurs et des entrepreneurs pour tout, des piscines aux structures extérieures, en passant par l’installation d’irrigation.Explorez 50 idées qui vous montrent comment transformer une arrière-cour en votre espace préféré.
- 02de 50Cour polyvalenteKayo ShibanoComment concevez-vous une arrière-cour pour les enfants et les parents qui est sûre, engageante et attrayante? Creo Landscape Architecture a conçu l’arrière-cour de cette maison de la région de San Francisco qui comprend des espaces pour manger et s’asseoir ainsi qu’une berme couverte d’herbe et des sculptures interactives pour les enfants.La clôture et le banc sont en séquoia. La clôture présente une tache claire tandis que le banc est naturel. Des podocarpus (pins à prunes) ont été plantés pour fournir de la verdure et améliorer l’intimité. La fétuque sans tonte plantée sur la berme permet aux enfants de rouler, de culbuter et de profiter de l’arrière-cour. Le pâturin durable est planté sur les surfaces planes de la pelouse et la brique recyclée est utilisée pour un petit patio. Pour faire un usage intelligent de l’espace, les bancs en séquoia ont un espace de stockage pour ranger les jouets d’extérieur.
- 03de 50Eichler RemodelThe Garden Route Co.Le développeur Joseph Eichler a construit des milliers de maisons de logements en Californie dans les années 1950 et 1960. Son nom est désormais associé au style que nous connaissons aujourd’hui comme moderne du milieu du siècle .Dans le quartier Visitacion Vallée de San Francisco, la Garden Route Co . remodelé le paysage de cette maison de deux étages Diamond Heights Eichler avec un jardin à flanc de colline escarpé. Le défi était de créer des espaces de vie extérieurs plats et utilisables en construisant des terrasses et des escaliers reliant les différents niveaux. En mettant l’accent sur la texture, les formes audacieuses et les couleurs, ce jardin adoucit l’architecture de paysage angulaire et donne à l’arrière-cour une sensation plus contemporaine.
- 04de 50Jardin des boisUn brin d’herbeLes propriétaires de cette propriété de la région de Boston voulaient étendre leur espace de vie pour profiter du magnifique cadre boisé devant leur porte arrière. Les paysagistes A Blade of Grass ont reconfiguré le porche arrière pour descendre vers un patio en pierre bleue surélevé adjacent. Le concepteur a créé une série de pièces extérieures qui passent d’un espace hautement développé à un cadre naturel avec des plantations indigènes, une cheminée extérieure, un étang à carpes, un jardin ombragé et des sentiers irréguliers en pierre bleue.Les plantes choisies pour le paysage comprennent le viburnum dentatum, l’astilbe à fleurs roses ‘Vision in Pink’, le malus ‘Whitney’, le buxus ‘Green Mountain’, l’herbe jaune Hakonechloa ‘Aureola’, le pennisetum ‘Hameln’ et la bétule arborescente ‘Whitespire’.
- 05de 50Cour islamiqueRichard Brown Photography Ltd.Un grand bassin d’eau est la pièce maîtresse de ce jardin de cour de style islamique dans le Hertfordshire, en Angleterre. Les clients vivaient auparavant au Moyen-Orient et souhaitaient que leur jardin anglais reflète le style de leur ancienne maison. Suivant les principes classiques de la conception des jardins islamiques, Green Tree Garden Design a conçu une cour avec une pièce d’eau dans un coin et une nouvelle maison d’été dans le coin opposé, visible depuis le coin salon de la cour. Ils ont terminé la rénovation en remplaçant les plantes par des spécimens qui offrent toute l’année des couleurs, une texture et un parfum bijou.
- 06de 50Un milieu du siècle moderne avec un facteur «Wow»Josh White, JW Pictures Inc.Chargé de respecter les origines modernes du milieu du siècle 1959 de cette maison, Fer Studio a amélioré la maison au sommet d’une colline de Sherman Oaks appartenant à Davis Factor , photographe et fondateur de la société de cosmétiques Smashbox.Le concepteur a conservé sa construction à poteaux et poutres et a ajouté un abri d’auto, une cabane et une salle de sport avec un patio privé desservant la suite principale.Fer Studio, en collaboration avec Place Landscape Design and Architecture , a conçu un plan pour la pente naturelle de la propriété agrandie. Un chemin de fer-traverse traverse toute la largeur du domaine. L’entrée / l’allée agrandie se compose de pavés en béton et de béton cellulaire perméable , ce qui permet à l’herbe de pousser dans les vides ou les espaces du béton de façon décorative. La piscine et les zones d’activités extérieures mettent en valeur les lignes horizontales de la propriété. Ils maintiennent un profil bas pour que rien n’obstrue cette vue fabuleuse.
- 07de 50Étape d’arrière-courBresic WhitneyLes professionnels du bâtiment CNC ont conçu un long banc flottant qui relie l’intérieur à l’extérieur de cette maison à Sydney, en Australie. Les enfants des propriétaires aiment monter les escaliers qui mènent d’un patio couvert d’ardoise à un autre. Le patio supérieur sert de scène pour des représentations impromptues.
- 08de 50TransitionsJane Harries Garden DesignsLorsque les enfants grandissent ou quittent la maison, les paysagistes peuvent être d’une grande aide pour repenser un espace. Dans le cas de cette maison dans le Northamptonshire, en Angleterre, Jane Harries Garden Design a aidé lorsque les enfants de cette famille avaient «grandi du football et de la possession de cobayes, et ils voulaient un style».Ils ont enlevé les arbres surdimensionnés et reconfiguré la pelouse pour créer de plus grandes bordures et une conception de plantation informelle avec une sensation romantique. La balançoire pour enfants a été remplacée par un canapé pivotant de style porche. Une pièce d’eau près de la maison offre une transition naturelle de l’intérieur vers la terrasse.
- 09de 50Jardin polyvalent et étancheAllen HarenDans ce paysage, BE Landscape Design a enlevé la pelouse et l’a remplacée par des jardinières en pierre empilées surélevées pour cultiver des légumes et des herbes. Cette conception de paysage résistante à la sécheresse dans la région de Los Angeles comprend maintenant des bancs, un foyer, des conteneurs posés sur du gravier de granit décomposé et des tremplins en béton.
- 10de 50Jardin anglais intimeKate Eyre Garden DesignThe owners of this home located in the Clapham neighborhood of London contacted Kate Eyre Garden Design for a redo that includes attractive wood fencing, a cozy seating area, and lots of gorgeous viburnum bushes. The choice of fencing styles sets the style of a landscape. The narrow horizontal rails give it a very contemporary look.
- 11of 50Relaxing and InformalNicola Stocken-TomkinsA winding path made of decomposed granite connects areas of this yard in Woodcote, London, England. Woven rattan lounge chairs add a modern touch to this lush landscape created by Joanne Winn Garden Design. Flower beds soften the transition between the turf lawn and the paver patio.
- 12of 50Chicago ShadeHursthouse Landscape ArchitectsA woodland backyard near Chicago designed by Hursthouse Landscape Architects and Contractors features pathways made from pavers and shredded bark. The designers carefully respected the existing trees while creating additional privacy for the homeowners. Plants include Annabelle hydrangeas, Pachysandra ‘Green Carpet’ ground cover, and Mission arborvitaeevergreen shrubs.
- 13of 50Backyard Vegetable Garden@backyardgardener84 / InstagramTake a cue from this gardener and use your empty backyard to create the ultimate vegetable garden. The geometry of a vegetable garden makes for an exciting design element while serving practical needs. You can grow vegetables in raised boxes, including big, beautiful heirloom tomatoes in a variety of colors.
- 14of 50Earthy EscapeEarth Mama Landscape DesignA woodland garden in upstate New York created by Earth Mama Landscape Design features a gravel sitting area with a stacked-stone retaining wall and flagstone steps leading to the nearby woods. The seamless transition from the backyard to the forest is appealing for homeowners who enjoy afternoon strolls and outdoor adventures. The extensive use of natural stone is perfect for a rustic landscape.
- 15of 50She Shed@daisyhomedesign / InstagramFeatured on Beautiful Homes of Instagram in Long Island, New York, this she-shed, dubbed « Minnie, » is the star of this outdoor space. Other eye-catching elements are the hydrangeas and more than 80-plus species of shrubs in varying colors. If you’re looking for an escape, a she- or he-shed might just be the refuge you need.
- 16of 50Colorful California LandscapeDerviss DesignsA cast-stone path in Northern California created by Michelle Derviss Landscape Design meanders past a colorful mix of succulents, ornamental grasses, and subtropicals such as blooming cannas. Pathways in a landscape help direct the eye and guide foot traffic.
- 17of 50Lush LawnSimon Orchard Garden DesignsCast stone pavers crawl through the tall-growing lawn in this Lewisham district backyard in London. Designed by Simon Orchard Garden Designs, the urban space includes a separate vertical garden that maximizes space for growing fresh herbs and vegetables.
- 18of 50Coastal Landscape in MelbourneDerek SwalwellA beautiful contemporary home in the seaside town of Blairgowrie in Victoria, Melbourne, Australia includes a swimming pool, spa, outdoor kitchen, patio, and softscape plants to add greenery to the yard. Acre designed the landscape architecture. Straight, square edges in the landscape match the lines used in the contemporary home.
- 19of 50Hydrangea Heaven@andrea_lambert_home / InstagramThis backyard features beautiful hydrangeas in a range of pinks, blues, and lavenders that glow with neon intensity in the bright sunlight around the pool.
- 20of 50Brooklyn Outdoor LivingFlo’s GardensFlo’s Gardens worked on the yard of this brownstone in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn in New York. The makeover included a flagstone patio, a built-in ipe wood (Brazilian walnut) seating and dining area, and shade-tolerant plants, including ferns and Japanese maple. Small urban landscapes are often best served by patio surfaces and potted plants rather than turf lawns and flower beds.
- 21of 50Cottage GardenDear Garden AssociatesThe landscape architects Dear Garden Associates in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, retrofitted existing farm buildings on a property with a new house and lots of land. Steep slopes backing up to the farmhouse were modified to accommodate terraces, gardens, and paths that link different areas of the property. The hardscaping was softened by plants chosen for their flowers and foliage, such as purple smokebush, spiraea ‘Mellow Yellow’, Russian sage, and smooth viburnum. Terraces are a perfect solution for steep slopes where planting is difficult.
- 22of 50Shades of GreenJ. Dabney Peeples Design Assoc.A monochrome planting scheme makes for an ultra-restful landscape. In this landscape designed by the Collins Group of South Carolina, an all-green color pallet features autumn fern, mondo grass, and impatiens providing small spots of color grow under a canopy of Atlas cedar trees. The pavers are locally sourced recycled granite curbing with low-growing mazus ground cover growing in the joints.
- 23of 50Modern HighlandsRichard BloomRedesigned by Falling Waters Landscape, this updated midcentury home and yard is in the Harbor Highlands neighborhood of the Dover Shores area of Newport Beach, California. The emphasis here is simple, clean, and consistent with its midcentury roots. The square geometry and wide-open layout blend the cooking area and seating area, using a classic midcentury modern aesthetic.
- 24of 50Privacy GardenWild PaysagesThe Wild Paysages firm from Saint-Ouen, France, created this privacy garden by using vines along the garden wall, tall bamboo, Japanese privet, and fragrant Burkwood osmanthus. The children’s sandbox, cleverly designed with a tight-fitting cover that stores the sand and toys when not in use, creates usable deck space.
- 25of 50Circle GardenRichard Brown Photography Ltd.A dull English garden was transformed here into a vibrant yard with circular spaces that lead to a lower-level patio. Created by Green Tree Garden Design, the garden features a cobbled path and interlinking grass circles with pruned « ball » boxwoods that emphasize the circular theme.
- 26of 50Woods’ Edge PatioJames Martin and AssociatesA large Chicago area backyard was redesigned by James Martin and Associates to include a traditional patio with pavers, broad lawn, and stepping stones that lead to an arbor and pergola with another outdoor seating area. Plants include white viburnum ‘Snowball’ and large pots with tropicals.
- 27of 50Our Little Fox House@ourlittlefoxhouse / InstagramThis Houston, Texas, circular patio with curved garden wall and seating area provides the perfect vantage for enjoying an expansive yard that transitions into woods.
- 28of 50Floating BenchLiving Colour GardensA small urban yard in London makes the most of its space by using walls to hold vertical gardens. Designed by Living Colour Gardens, the outdoor room features a zigzag bench of ipe hardwood (Brazilian walnut) with hidden illumination for fun outside parties at night. The patio is paved with travertine, and the raised planting beds mirror the shape of the bench. Plants used here include African lilies, Japanese maples, and large alliums.
- 29of 50Two-Level YardRichard Brown Photography Ltd.Green Tree Garden Design transformed a neglected backyard once full of weeds, overgrown shrubs, and trees. Circular stairs link the stone patio to the lawn and garden level, defined by brick retaining walls. The terraced beds are planted with colorful perennials, small evergreen shrubs, and vines. Carefully defined outdoor « rooms » make a landscape more functional and visually interesting.
- 30of 50Pergola-Covered Outdoor RecreationBruce SaundersOutdoor projects are a passion of North Carolina craftsman company Outdoor Artisan, including this outdoor living room with a pergola. Complete with cooking appliances, a big-screen TV, and eating counters, this outdoor space is just as full-featured as any indoor open-concept kitchen and entertainment space.
- 31of 50Maximizing SpaceDesigns by RobinEven inside the city limits of Lafayette, Louisiana, Designs by Robin managed to maximize lawn space by creating a narrow custom pool. Although small, the pool includes a tanning ledge, a fountain, and decking that separates it from the lawn, while allowing easy entry and exit for swimmers.
- 32of 50A Burst of ColorA. J. Miller Landscape ArchitectureFor homeowners who formerly lived in Lebanon in the Middle East, A. J. Miller Landscape Architecture of Syracuse, New York, opened up the backyard and chose colorful plants with a Mediterranean look. Given a limited amount of outdoor space, the firm designed areas for frequent outdoor entertaining and dining.
- 33of 50California ModernistDaryl OlesinskiUsing a color palette based on the tones of a tree in the center of the garden, O Plus L blended the interior with the exterior of this California modern home in the Ravoli Estates in Pacific Palisades. They used the same surface and flooring materials in and out of the home and echoed the home’s horizontal architectural lines in the hardscape.
- 34of 50Potrero Hill Yard with a ViewSteve Ritchey and Travis Rhoads PhotographySeed Studio redesigned the backyard of this Potrero Hill home near San Francisco so it would feel intimate while accommodating large gatherings. Offering views of nearby Bernal Hill, this outdoor living room features a seat-high deck surrounding a Corten steel wood-burning fire pit. Succulents and bamboo plants grow well in rocky soil.
- 35of 50Kansas City ContemporaryAaron BradleyA path that begins in the front yard of this Kansas City, Missouri, home leads to an impressive backyard and deck. Aesthetic Outdoor Design transformed the entire property.
- 36of 50Pergola and PrivacyRolling LandscapesThis self-contained stone patio designed by Rolling Landscapes is situated near the house to provide the owners with an outdoor kitchen, living room, and vine-covered pergola, providing shelter and privacy.
- 37of 50Bluestone HardscapeJames Martin and Assoc.A geometric backyard designed by James Martin and Associates of Vernon Hills, Illinois, features bluestone steps, a retaining wall, and embedded pavers. Deciduous shrubs and small trees maximize the seasonal color standard in midwestern landscapes.
- 38of 50Tucson YardPrideaux DesignA townhouse in Tucson, Arizona, was expertly remodeled by Prideaux Design incorporating the colors found the surrounding desert in a spa, outdoor kitchen, seating and dining areas, and a place to lounge. In climates where the weather is favorable year-round, well-planned landscaping is critical to complete enjoyment of a home.
- 39of 50Empty Nesters’ Fire PitSycamore DesignSycamore Design created a more adult-oriented backyard for a Menlo Park, California, family when their children left home. This backyard has an emphasis on entertaining, dining, and relaxing by the fire pit. No-fuss features include gravel paving and low-maintenance native plants.
- 40of 50Long Garden in Strawberry HillEchinops Garden DesignBy day, this long, narrow London backyard redesigned by Echinops Garden Design is a series of modern terraces with ipe hardwood (Brazilian walnut) seating and Western red cedar fencing. At night, the garden lights up as each level offers a different vibe with built-in seating and plants illuminated in different colors.
- 41of 50Pool Area ParadiseEd Chappell PhotographyOnce a dull courtyard, this renovation in Naples, Florida, became an outdoor space that reflects the flair of its location. Designed by Malibu West Interiors, the patio is surfaced in a non-skid textured porcelain tile. The pool coping was custom-cast in concrete to mimic the shape of the swimming pool. A colorful wall piece made of teak includes pops of glass tile.
- 42of 50Modern Dining TerraceGenus Loci Ecological LandscapesBy losing the lawn, installing drought-tolerant plants, adding a water feature, and raising a dining terrace, Genus Loci Ecological Landscapes updated this yard in Toronto, Canada. The dining area wall also provides another layer of privacy and sound isolation.
- 43of 50Green LivingBliss Garden DesignA backyard designed by Bliss Garden Design of Seattle takes advantage of the frequent rainfall by incorporating plants that are appropriate to the climate. It gives the effect of a northern coastal rainforest and forms a lush, private backyard that offers its owners a true escape.
- 44of 50Pool and Patio for EntertainingJames MartinA home in the Chicago suburbs designed by James Martin and Associates focuses on outdoor entertaining, including a swimming pool, patio, view, and several seating areas. Good landscape design takes advantage of local scenery, and in this case, you can see the vast expanse of Lake Michigan in the distance.
- 45of 50Small Urban BackyardRichard LaughlinThe driveway of a bungalow in Salt Lake City was transformed by Laughlin Design Associates into much-needed backyard space, using plants that are native to the region for a colorful makeover.
- 46of 50Portland Yard TransformationParadise RestoredParadise Restored based in Portland, Oregon, gave the owners of this newish tract home a customized backyard that includes an outdoor kitchen, seating areas, spa, some grass lawn, and a fire pit. With good design, a backyard does not need to be huge to offer a lot of features.
- 47of 50Chicago MakeoverCarol HeffernanHeffernan Landscape Design bought the property next door and combined a home with their office space in Chicago. Clients can visit the office and see the home’s transformation firsthand. This space includes a patio with an outdoor fireplace.
- 48of 50Fulham GardenTom HowardA synthetic lawn gives the look of a lush English backyard without the maintenance, as seen in this design by Tom Howard Garden Design and Landscaping. Square pavers are embedded in the faux lawn near a narrow planting bed that features Spanish olive trees and leads to a corner built-in seating area.
- 49of 50Kentish Town City GardenFork Garden DesignA petite plot in the northwest London burg of Kentish Town was designed by Fork Garden Design to include a storage seating bench with synthetic decking and lawn carpeting. Small landscapes call for features that serve multiple functions.
- 50of 50Vine-Covered PergolaEckersley Garden ArchitectureUn espace repas extérieur conçu par Eckersley Garden Architecture de Victoria, en Australie, dispose d’une pergola couverte de vigne qui fournit de l’ombre et de l’ambiance. Dans une bonne conception de paysage, vous incorporez des éléments verticaux et aériens.